New recruits bring their strengths to our Residential Property department
We are very pleased to announce that we have recently welcomed two new members of staff to further boost the specialist expertise of our Residential Property team.
Welcome to Belinda Strange
We are delighted to welcome a new team member to Attwaters Jameson Hill, Belinda Strange, who has joined us as an Associate in our Family Law department.
Congratulations to our new partners
We are pleased to announce the promotion of three of our highly-valued associates who have become partners of the firm.
Verdict of ‘accidental death’ at Inquest into the death of Blackberry Hill inpatient, Christopher Dunning
The Jury at the Inquest into the death of Christopher Dunning, a mental health care inpatient at Blackberry Hill hospital in Bristol who absconded during a period of unescorted leave and was later found dead at an address in Weston-super-Mare on 28 January 2018, has returned a verdict of accidental death. The Inquest opened on 1 July and concluded on 5 July.
Global 100 award winners
Following the release of the Global 100 2019 results, we are delighted to have received recognition in the category of Law Firm of the Year – Trust & Estate – United Kingdom.
Head of Family Law a ‘Best Lawyer’
Congratulations to Joyti Henchie, our Head of Family Law, for inclusion in the 2020 Edition of The Best Lawyers in the United Kingdom.
A tragic stillbirth that could have been avoided
Every year, more than 3,500 mothers experience a stillbirth, a terrible tragedy for any family to bear. But discovering that the loss of their child was avoidable makes it even more heartbreaking for parents and their loved ones. In this sad case, we were instructed in a clinical negligence claim arising from the stillbirth of our client’s son in September 2017. Unfortunately, the stillbirth occurred in June 2014, and as there is a statutory limit of three years to start a compensation claim for stillbirth negligence, on the face of it the time limit had expired.
£14.4m settlement for girl left with cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is caused by abnormal development of the brain or damage to the developing brain at birth, affecting a child’s ability to control his or her muscles.
Help make medicines safer in children and during pregnancy
Under its Yellow Card Scheme, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) wants to encourage wider reporting of the side effects experienced by patients taking medicines.
Paediatric patients lose sleep in noisy wards
Sick children lose more than an hour’s sleep per night on noisy hospital wards, according to new UK research, which suggests it could harm their recovery. It has been found that when children lose sleep in hospital, their pain threshold is lower, they are more emotional and may have lowered immune defences.