
Engineer awarded £19,000 for hearing loss caused at work

On behalf of Attwaters Jameson Hill posted in Uncategorised on Thursday, August 14th, 2014

A 62-year-old engineer who suffered hearing loss after being exposed to excessive noise at work has been awarded £19,372 compensation.

A 62-year-old engineer who suffered hearing loss after being exposed to excessive noise at work has been awarded £19,372 compensation.

The county court heard that the man had worked as an engineer with the same company from 1981 to 2010. During that time he was exposed to loud, high-pitched tonal noise when using technical equipment including amplifiers.

The exposure meant that his need to wear a hearing aid was brought forward by 15 years.

The NHS had provided a hearing aid for him in 2009 but he found it unsuitable. It tended to screech when close to his hand or other objects and he was embarrassed by the need to switch the settings on it manually in front of other people. When his hand went close to his ear, the aid emitted a high pitched sound.

The evidence suggested that his needs would be better served by hearing aids available on the private market. These would cost approximately £2,500 and have a service period of about five years.

The court awarded the engineer £7,950 to compensate for his pain, suffering and loss of amenity. The rest of the award was to cover the cost of buying suitable hearing aids for now and for the future.

Anyone who is injured as a result of someone else’s negligence is entitled to claim compensation.

Please contact us if you would like more information about making a personal injury claim.

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